For the people who don't know, Breathe Carolina is a band. I think it's a band or whatever hahaha. Yeah I like their songs. Got introduced by Vo so yeah. You guys should check them out too, they aren't too bad. So it's friday. Friday is awesome. No matter how bad a song can be about it. It will always be awesome. Today Joanne was away as well lol. She said she slept in then couldn't be bothered coming to school afterwards. Oh wells. Oh yeah, today Harry saved me from a vampire. It tried to suck my blood but then failed because my layer of fat was too thick for it's teeth then Harry came outta nowhere and killed it.
First period today was Commerce. We had some substitute teacher. Some guy. Iunno his name. He's really tall though. It was a really easy lesson. We had laptop work again. We didn't even do much. We were pretty much given the answers for everything. Pretty awesome teacher I guess. I would rather have him instead of Ellis anyday.
Recess time! I had some Science homework to do so I copied off Vincent Zhang. He's awesome lol. Also, some of the group had food tech so they made cookies. Some gluten free cookies or something hahaha. I ate some of Jandy's but it had a fish taste lol. I ate some of Harry's as well. A lot of his actually, because it tasted better than Jandy's (No offense) and I was hungry hahaha. Oh yeah, the guys took my deoderant and sprayed eachother in the nuts or something. Jandy said his balls felt really cold hahahha. Then he said they felt like they were burning afterwards or something.
Afterwards was Geography. We went to our normal class to get our skills and knowledge test back today. Miss was giving out merits for the people who got the top 3 marks in our class. Then all of a sudden she says "Henry Ung". I was like "wut?". I thought she made a mistake with Henry Luong or something. I guess not. I really did get it lol. The answers I got wrong though were really retarded. Some true and false one which was about Australia on the map and 3 multiple choice. And 2 of the 3 multiple choice were the first 2 questions lol. Usually the first few questions are meant to be easiest aren't they? :S Oh wells. Omfg. Markston as well. He didn't see the last 2 pages hahahhaha. Which was pretty much half of the marks gone. He scored the lowest in the class hahaha. I'm pretty sure people made jokes about his eyes too because he didn't see the pages. Well afterwards, we went to the library and did more of the groupwork. Pretty good lesson.
Next was Science. We watched some lame outdated video lol. Just answered some questions (I copied of Vincent because I didn't pay much attention to the video). Then we had some fun with some group work. Everyone is such a troll ahahaha. We all got some idea made from some mad scientist or something. We had to explain to the other groups what the plan was to try and stop global warming and then answer the questions the other groups give lol. Our group had some laser cannon thingy mabobby that was made to shoot down chc gases or something lol. We didn't get that many questions lol. It was a pretty strange idea which was hard to "troll". Other ones were easier like planting billions of trees to absorb all the carbon dioxide in the air. Everyone was just going on the idea about what would happen if a fire started. Then Markston the dumbass answered the question saying that fires can't spread from tree to tree lol. Yeah that pretty much just went on for the entire lesson. The ideas that were given to the groups were so weird lol. Like some giant umbrella in space to reflect the sun? Or painting all the roads and stuff white :L.
Lunch time. We all decided to go watch the teachers vs students basketball game. It was pretty fun watching hahaha. The teachers won in the end though :(. They played dirty! They kept pushing the students down hahahha. Mr Cheong faceplanted though and Mr Apted also stacked it. There were some pretty cool parts when they were playing hahaha. And some fails as well. Like how Mr Lau (or however u spell it) passed the ball to one of the students lol.
Last period was Maths. It was really random lol. Today, Jenny gave me some trufelkhajaklsdkgl thingy. Some chocolate hahaha. It tasted alright. I got caught by sir though eating it. He was all like wtf? :L He didn't really care though. Also, there were ALMONDS!! Delicious almonds which Elizabeth had again :). Afterwards in the lesson, Elizabeth and Danielle or something made some question up and passed it around to the guys. It was the question, "What would you do if you found a bra on your bed?". I answered to look around. To see if the chick were still there of course lol. Other people had such random answers. Like Kelvin, "Sniff it". I mean... What if it were a old granny bra? hahahah. What would you guys do? Put your answer into the cbox as well. Even if your a guy or girl. I wanna see how people will answer :).
Well that's the end of todays post. ENJOY OR I CRY! :D. Oh yeah guys, leave a question in my cbox! Still open for some questions which I'll answer on Sunday :). Anyways here's the thingy mabobby for today:
Hahahahha he mad! Hopefully my parent won't find my blog.
Oh yeah here's a link from Kelvin It's pretty cool. Should check it out.
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