Saturday, 3 September 2011

Henry Rants: People who don't be themselves and stuff

I really look forwards to the weekends now because I get to rant and there's my Q&A thing. Well yeah, today I'll be ranting about people who just don't be themselves. Those people who you can just tell they are trying WAY TOO HARD to be someone they aren't. I don't really have much respect for people like that. Be yourself. You're the only one who's gonna be good at being yourself. Oh yeah, today Harry saved me from death. He made me cheat death! Now I'm gonna die in some really disgusting way. Everyone knows that because of Final Destination! Damn Harry.

So all those people who don't be themselves... It's really bad when it's so obvious as well. I mean, you can be influenced by friends to act a little similar and enjoy the same stuff. But in the end, you will always be you. Why would change and try to be like someone else? It's even more stupid when you try and do things which you don't like to become cool. If you don't enjoy doing that kind of stuff, then why do it?

Not being yourself is like lying. Why be something your not and lie to yourself. You can't change the fact that you are you. You wouldn't lie about other stuff so why lie about who you are? I'm fat. I don't go around telling people I'm the most skinny sexy person alive. Well yeah you get what I mean. It's just not you. Just how cool is the person exactly for you to  want to be like them anyways.

You're not cool, simple as that. I don't know about others but I just won't give anyone respect who doesn't be themself. I don't like that tryhard attitude. I see people like David Zhong try way too hard at such stupid things which just isn't him. He talks like such a dumass. I just see the way he talks just sounds so fucken lame. He does shit like doing the asian accent shit when he talks to people. It's so annoying. Why can't you just talk properly. It makes no sense either. Who are you trying to be exactly? Not trying to hate on David but I need an example. That was pretty much the first thing that popped into my head.

If you want to know what you can do then be yourself. You're not gonna learn anything about yourself trying to be something you aren't. I find that really so retarded as well. There's that thing where girls act stupid because they think guys like that kind of shit. Wtf? WHY? It makes no sense. It's as if they wanted to be taken advantage of or something. I find intelligence quite charming. Not knowledge but intelligence.  Don't know about other guys but yeah. I'm sure most people wouldn't want a dumass to be their gf/bf.

There's also those guys who treat girls like shit as well because they think being a faggot would make the chick like them. That's even worse and it really makes no sense at all. Nice guys > Faggots. Also, what sort of guy goes and girlbashes? That's so fucken retarded. I would never hit a chick, unless she were trying to kill me but yeah. Guys should also never call a girl ugly. Every girl is beautiful in their own way. Teasing a girl isn't cool at all. I know us guys do judge girls on appearances, but I'm pretty sure we don't go around to their face and call them ugly. A guys who would ever do that is the biggest douchebag ever. That ugly you see in a person may be the beauty someone else would see. I would never have any respect for a person who would do any of this shit to a girl. Instead, if I were to actually witness some guy being a dickhead to a girl I would probably hit the guy. I wouldn't give a shit who it were.

^ Well yeah that's somehow related to people who don't be themselves lol. Might have gotten a bit sidetracked but whatever. So back to the original topic. Why would you want to change yourself so much anyways? As long as you're not being a dickhead, douchebag, asshole etc. Then you should be just fine the way you are. Unless you're changing for the good then yeah. Such as when you realise you're one of the biggest douchebags ever and then you try and change and become a better person then of course. That's probably the only exception of why you should ever try and not be yourself.

Yeah that should be just about enough ranting. I'm running low on ideas anyways. Oh yes, what about me? There are situations where I don't like being myself either. Like my blog. But I think you guys can put that as an exception. If typed everything out in my blog and was really being myself then I would have heaps of typos for one and also it would be heaps of swearing. When I blog, I realise I put a few too many swear words in so I usually rewrite it so yeah.  Pretty much other than that, I do try to be myself as much as I can. Anyways here's the thingy mabobby for today:

Hahahah just thought this would be funny blogging hehehehe.

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